
Common GIT disease
1.      Reflux oesophagitis (gastro esophageal reflux disease) – A backward flow of gastric contains in to the esophagus causing symptoms like heart burn.
2.       Dysphagia – Difficulty if swallowing
3.       Irritation
4.       Gastritis – Inflammation of a stomach wall. When the amount of mucous in the stomach wall is insufficient to protect the surface of stomach from HCL the gastritis occur.
·         High acid
·         Drugs (All pain killers but except paracetamol)
·         Alcohol and smoking
·         Some bacteria (helicobacter pylori)
5.       Duodenal ulcers / gastric ulcers - Ulceration (wounds) of the duodenal or gastric wall this is the next stage of gastritis.
Reasons are same as gastritis.
6.       Dyspepsia – This include heart burn and abdominal discomfort (food related). Normally occur with reflux disease, gastric ulcers and gastric cancers.
7.       Ulcerative colitis – inflammation and ulcers of the colon including rectum which may be some times infected from external bacteria.
8.       Diarrhea – pass out of watery stools.
1.       bacteria (cholera, typhoid)
2.       Amoebic
3.       Viral
(b)Food related diarrhea - Due to bacterial toxins.
9.       Constipation – Incomplete or infrequent action of the bowel with pass out of hard stool.
10.   Vomiting (Emesis) – This is a symptom of a underlying disorder. Before treating the cause for vomiting has to be treated.